11 Foods to NEVER put down your Garbage Disposal

Things not to put in your garbage disposal

Nowadays, almost all households have a garbage disposal installed in their kitchen. This kitchen appliance is helpful because it gets rid of issues with undesirable food waste. This also eliminates the need for smelly waste cans. It is a common appliance in many modern households. Other countries also utilize this device to encourage the production of biogas. Plumbers highly recommend the use of this device to have better food waste disposal.

Garbage disposal shreds food scraps with the assistance of heavy water flow. By shredding the food residues into tiny pieces, the impeller arm and plate attached to the device forces the liquid and the particles down the kitchen drain. Having this appliance installed at your kitchen is a great thing. It really is a workhorse in the kitchen, but a lot of users often take this kitchen appliance for granted until they clog up as well as stop working. This is because they are not aware of the things not to put in it. 

Since it is a vital part of your kitchen, you need to see to it that you care for your garbage disposal well. With the right care, it can last for many years. With regards to garbage disposal, many people think they can do that they shouldn’t. Also, there are some things they think cannot, which are perfectly acceptable. In this article, we will help you sort out the things of what you can put in your garbage disposal and what you shouldn’t.


The first thing that you shouldn’t put in your garbage disposal is oil. The oil will bond and stick to the drain pipes. Also, the drains lines go beyond your kitchen sink. The further you go, the colder the oil and grease and water become, and the more the oil will cling to the drain pipes and even gather in the U-joints. Regardless of how hot the water is, it is not enough to get rid of this oil. Oil, including grease, can lead to the blockage of the drain pipes.


Fusilli, spaghetti, and other forms of pasta enlarge when submerged to water. Therefore, you must avoid dumping it into your garbage disposal as it will expand and will fill the disposal trap, which can lead to malfunctioning of the unit.

Coffee Grounds and Egg Shells

You have to refrain from putting eggshells as well as coffee ground into your garbage disposal. Even if these wastes can be broken down into extremely sediment, they are not water-soluble. For eggs, a lot of people think the shell’s membrane can be wrapped around the blade of the garbage disposal. For coffee grounds, some disagree that the fine, hard sediment can get trapped into the garbage disposals trap. Expert plumbers say you can grind these so long as you are running enough water while dumping them.

Fruit Peels

Leathery and stringy waste must be thrown on garbage can not into your garbage disposal. This is because stringy and fibrous fibers will get caught in the blade. This can affect the proper functioning of your garbage disposal.

Starchy Foods

Starches are likely to either expand or become a paste that can instantly clog the drain. Once more, expert plumbers disagree on whether you can grind this stuff or not.


In general, meat is fine. On the other hand, you need to be mindful of grinding big pieces of hard, stringy meat. Like fibrous fruits, chicken can also wrap around the blade.

Bones and Seeds

Garbage disposal is remarkable to grinding up as well as disposing of waste. However, simply because they can grind does not mean they are angler grinders. This device is not made to deal with tough items like bones.

Once you throw a fishbone or a chicken wing bone, don’t panic. Garbage disposal is a hardy home appliance and can handle grinding up the occasional small bone. However, once you try to put a rack of ribs into it and grind them up, you are putting yourself into a disaster. Aside from bone, you also need to avoid putting hard seeds into your garbage disposal. While some brands can handle bones up to a half-inch, some cannot.


Another waste that you should avoid putting into your garbage disposal is medication. Throwing unused medications into the garbage disposal may look like a wise way of disposing of this controlled substance. However, putting drugs into the plumbing system can affect the supply of the water. Instead, the Food and Drug Administration suggests getting rid of the drugs from their packaging, place them in a bag with something unpleasant like cat litter or dirt, and then dispose of it in the trash can. 


Even though nuts are small, they can spell tragedy once set down your drain. Like coffee grounds, they aren’t water-soluble. After all, garbage disposal mimics the same process for creating nut butter, grinding as well as mashing until a paste is formed. 


Like pasta, oatmeal is also an expansion risk. Uncooked oats will slip in the disposal untouched and gather as well as expand down the line. If you are lucky, oatmeal will flow out to your sewer, but if not, then it may be time to refresh your skills in cleaning the drain. 

Cleaning Chemicals

Dish soap and other normal cleaners are fine. The chemicals you need to keep away from your garbage disposal are harsh drain busters as well as industrial grade cleaners. The cleaning chemicals can put too much wear on your kitchen appliance and perhaps even in your drain line. 

What you must do is to utilize ice cubs when cleaning the blades, and a bit of dish soap to deodorize as well as break up the buildup of grease. You can also clean the clog without using chemicals. There are some tips available online. 


Garbage disposals are a useful kitchen appliance that helps us make our daily lives more comfortable. It keeps our kitchen clean and out of a mess. However, you need to know how to take good care of them by identifying the things you shouldn’t put into it. 

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